Complimentary webseminar:
Have you ever made a wrong hiring or promotion decision? Do you have people who have difficulty communicating with others? This webseminar explains how to integrate DISC and other online assessment tools into training, selection, communication and professional development applications. People are unique and have different temperaments and personalities. These differences have a direct impact on how we behave with each other, communicate and perform. Interviewing and resumes are becoming less reliable. Assessments provide you an unemotional evaluation of an individual’s behavior, attitudes, values and talent – qualities difficult to judge in an interview alone.
Webseminar agenda:
• Learn how to avoid a bad hiring decision which can cost 2-3 times the person’s annual salary.
• Learn the skills, processes and the knowledge you need to identify and hire top performers each and every time — those that will perform in the top 20%.
• Give feedback to people in a style they can understand and accept for improving performance and accelerating professional development.
• Reduce stress, conflict and improve communication between individuals and departments.
• Learn how to identify the emotional intelligence, strengths and abilities of individuals and know which jobs people are best suited.
• Predict an applicant’s success on the job before hiring or promoting them.
• Effectively measure and improve an individual’s leadership competencies.
Limited seating–first 100 people
Wednesday, June 6
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
via Managing Personality Conflicts and Negative Attitudes in the Workplace.

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