Employee Retention Statistics: Why Good People Quit

How to Retain Your Top Talent
Strategies to Retain and Engage High Potentials

Research shows as the economy rebounds, organizations will see their most promising talent abandon ship in high numbers. In a recent article that appeared in Harvard Business Review, the authors indicate:

• One in four plans on leaving within the year
• One in three are not putting their entire effort in their job
• One in five believe their personal goals are quite different from what the organization has planned for them
• Four out of ten have little confidence in their senior leadership and coworkers

The key to success for any organization is the ability to attract and retain skilled and talented people. Those that fail to make employee retention a priority now risk losing their top talented people to the competition.

Visit our website and get the free report on the Top Ten Reasons people quit their jobs.


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Seven Steps To Increase Sales and Build Customer Loyalty

Most businesses spend more time and energy trying to find new customers instead of retaining those they have. The logic behind customer retention management (CRM) is simple–It costs far less money to keep customers happy than to spend much more money recruiting new ones. Loyal customers tell their friends about your business and will spend more money than new customers.

I dread eating at airports. If you travel as much as I do, you are probably familiar with the “3 b’s” as it applies to airport fare–bad food, bad attitudes, bad timing.

I had an early flight to catch at the Ontario, California airport recently. I found myself standing outside the closed and gated doorway to an Applebee’s restaurant ten minutes before they opened up. I just knew they would be late and expected to receive the usual grumpy service common at most airports the world over. I was wrong!

Bam! The clock struck five, the lights popped on and this charming lady opened the doors. She greeted me with a smile, a warm “hello” and told me to sit anywhere I wanted. I never had seen such a positive attitude at 5:00 in the morning.

For the next hour, I watched Felicia cheerfully greet customers, many of which she called by name. They were the “regulars” she said. Felicia was the remarkable person who made that small restaurant pleasant and memorable. Next time I return to the Ontario Airport, I guarantee you this is the restaurant I am going to first.

Here are seven steps to build customer loyalty.

1. Select the right sales people. In the book, From Good to Great, Jim Collins said, “People are not your most important asset, the RIGHT people are.” Most businesses do a poor job of hiring people. They hire just anyone and place them on the front-line with customers. Spend more time recruiting and hiring the right people with good personalities. Focus on those who are friendly and demonstrate an interest and enthusiasm for the job. Consider using personality profiles as part of the hiring process. These profiles help identify true personality characteristics of your applicants.

2. Sensationalize the experience for your customers. Good service is not good enough. A Gallup survey showed a customer who is “emotionally connected” to your place of business is likely to spend 46% more money than a customer who is merely “satisfied” but not emotionally bonded.

3. Set performance standards. Outline the behaviors of how sales people and employees should act, speak, and respond to customer needs and requests. One of our clients developed a list of twenty customer service commandments that outline actions he wanted his service people to demonstrate.

4. Sustain on-going training and reinforcement. Good customer service skills are not natural for most people. Effective customer service training must be reinforced and taught on a recurring basis. For example, the Ritz-Carlton hotels provide a thorough customer service training program for all of its employees during their orientation. Then each supervisor conducts a daily “line-up” to review one of the commandments with his employees ten minutes before each shift.

5. Specify incentives for good behavior. Yes, employees want to be paid well, but they also want to be treated with respect and shown appreciation. The front-line supervisor has the greatest impact on motivating and retaining employees. Reward those who exceed the standards and provide development for those who do not.

6. Survey your customers and reduce your defection rate. On average, businesses lose 15-20 percent of their customers each year to their competition. All businesses encounter this defection rate, but few do much about it. To improve retention, one client sends out a customer service report card to its top customers every month. This requires an evaluation based on four specific criteria. They tally the results and make sure employees see the scores. This motivates the employees to do a better job.

7. Seek customer complaints with enthusiasm. For every complaint there are at least 10 other customers that visited your business who have the same criticism. A portion of those 10 people just took their business to your competitor. Look at customer complaints as an opportunity for improvement.

Greg Smith helps create high performance organizations that attract, keep, and motivate their sales people and increase sales with his sales training seminars. He speaks at conferences and conducts training programs and is also the author of eight books. For more information, visit http://www.chartcourse.com or call (800) 821-2487 or (770) 860-9464.

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Executives and Their Job Satisfaction

JOB SATISFACTION: When 3,187 employed executives with an average salary of $206,000 are asked if they are either satisfied or very satisfied with their job, these professions rate the highest:

Marketing 76%

HR 75%

Finance 73%

Business Development 71%

Source: ExecuNet ~ Norwalk, Connecticut

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Three of every five U.S. jobs lost durin

Three of every five U.S. jobs lost during this recession are attributable to cuts from small businesses. —U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Bad Bosses Force Good People to Quit

Scott Adams has never been a fan of management. Adam’s cynical view of work life is illustrated in his Dilbert cartoons. In the November 6-7 edition of the Wall Street Journal, he said, “The primary purpose of management is to kill any hope that staying with your current job will work out for you.”

Basically, he was poking fun at bad managers who make life miserable for the people they are supposed to be managing. His article said the best way to stimulate the economy is to force good people to quit so they start their own businesses and therefore create more jobs. That is a lopsided way of looking at things, but it does make sense. Adams said that was how he got started as a cartoonist. He was so bored and frustrated at work he started drawing cartoons to maintain his sanity. Finally, he quit his job. Bad management was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Are your managers doing what they have been hired to do? Or, are they creating a situation that will force good people to leave when the economy starts to improve? The scary part is, many of those employees have already ‘quit’ but you are still paying them.

Businesses have held back raises, stopped promotions, cut pay and benefits because of the economy. This has fostered a growing level of frustration and job dissatisfaction. Employees have the growing perception businesses have used the economy as an excuse to punish them so management can hold onto more profits. Unless employers start evaluating and reversing their course there will be a major backlash.

Synovus Financial has a policy that states,

“A manager’s most important role is to serve, grow and inspire his or her people—with no exception.”

Give us a call to discuss how we might be able to help you create a talent management process to attract, engage and retain your people.

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Working Toward Retirement: Survey

In a survey of 1,600 workers of varying education and income levels, 74 percent of respondents said they expect to work after retirement, citing among their reasons:

93% to stay mentally active

86% for social interaction

73% to feel useful

Source: Allstate, Northbrook, Ill.

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Employee Communication Helps Beat Competition

According to a survey of 25,000 employees in 17 U.S.-based companies, 65 percent of workers said they do not receive enough information about their competitors while 39 percent said the information they receive is adequate enough to differentiate their company’s products and services from the competition.

Source: Towers Perrin

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