Management Training Courses


Coaching Job Skills

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Understand the what, why and how of coaching. Prepare for coaching sessions. Hold a coaching conversation. Use coaching to build teamwork. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling. Online management course available.

Communicating Up

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Understand the importance of framing communication in terms of a manager’s interests. Enter meetings with clear objectives and facts that support plans and goals. Move conversations toward agreement. Online management course available.


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A good supervisor understands the role of delegation in time management, resource utilization, job satisfaction and overall team productivity. Establish a team member’s responsibility and authority for a delegated task – creating a framework for accountability and personal growth. Online management course available.

Developing Performance Goals and Standards

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Developing and Coaching Others is about how managers can effectively and successfully develop and coach their team leaders to become better and more consistent performers. The program will help your managers learn the specifics of how they can effectively impact the learning process and coaching moments of their teams to make the difference.

Effective Discipline

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This module provides the tools necessary to dramatically reduce problem behaviors. By involving team members in performance discussions and gaining their commitment to behavioral change, managers and supervisors can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive developmental step. Leaders develop the skills needed to address problem behavior while preserving the individual’s self-respect. That encourages the best kind of discipline – self-discipline.

Essential Skills of Communicating

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Essential Skills of Communicating (ESC) provides the tools necessary to develop clear, concise messages. Focusing on communication as a two-way process, the program can help even experienced managers improve their messages by making them clear, well-organized and aimed at the needs and interests of the listener. By developing the essential skills of communicating, managers improve relations with their team members and increase productivity.

Essential Skills of Leadership

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Essential Skills of Leadership (ESL) is the first step to developing successful managers and team leaders. By focusing on three critical management skills, the program establishes a methodology for productive interactions between team members and team leaders. ESL helps experienced managers, new managers, and aspiring managers refocus on the basics – the skills required to manage the individual while also leading the team.

Improving Work Habits

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Provides the tools necessary to recognize and to address poor work habits – even those of a team member who may be successful in his or her job. By focusing on the negative behavior and gaining the individual’s acceptance and commitment to change, the manager effectively addresses the issue before it develops into a disciplinary problem for everyone on the team.

Managing Complaints

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Define goals, objectives, and performance standards. Identify and set performance standards that are specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented, and time-framed, using concrete active language. Establish time limits for standards and negotiate for standards that address desired results and team members’ capabilities.

Providing Performance Feedback

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Learn to base assessments on facts and behavior. Use positive feedback to motivate team members. Gain team member participation in and agreement with assessment; and their commitment to the change needed to improve performance.

Resolving Conflicts

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Managing conflict is a critical part of work life. Recognize the positive and negative impacts of conflicts and leverage it to everyone’s advantage. Distinguish between the two major sources of conflict at work so they can be resolved fairly and effectively. Using effective communication techniques, managers can help individuals understand each other’s point of view and move beyond it.

Supporting Change

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Understand why change happens, how people react to it, and how to support as teams struggle with it. Involve team in change initiative by promoting ownership of change and benefits. Plan for follow-up sessions that support the process and reinforce personal and organizational goals.
