Five Steps to Reduce Employee Turnover
Thursday, August 16
3:00-4:30 p.m. EST (Atlanta time)
90 minutes/$125 per person
$350 for three or more
Finding and retaining skilled workers and staff is the
number one issue employers face today. Learn how to
create a work environment that attracts, keeps, and motivates
your workforce. Discover the groundwork that builds employee
motivation, morale, and PRIDE.
Discover why some employees would rather work for a good employer
than leave for a pay raise. This session will show managers,
owners, supervisors, and human resource professionals not
only how to retain their most talented performers, but also how
to transform their entire workforce with a high-retention
culture—saving organizations countless thousands of dollars.
This session is jam packed with tips, ideas, and easy-to-implement
advice for creating a high-retention culture.
Learn how to:
-Reduce turnover and become an employer of choice
-Identify why people stay and why others leave
-Implement a 5-step process to create a work environment that
attracts, keeps, and motivates your workforce
-Use peer recognition programs to reward and build teamwork
-How to hire the right people for the right jobs
-How to keep your top performers from leaving
-Design a powerful employee reward and recognition system
-Design career ladders giving people a sense of achievement
Attend this teleseminar and also receive these free bonuses:
FREE Bonus #1 – Special report on how to reduce absenteeism
and improve attendance at work.
FREE Bonus #2 – Six-page report on how to create a high performance
FREE Bonus #3 – Report on the top-ten reasons employees
quit their jobs.
FREE Bonus #4 – The latest six-page Job Satisfaction and
Employee Retention survey on what attracts, keeps, and
motivates employees.
FREE Bonus #5 – When you attend this teleseminar you get
$100 off the registration price of Greg's all-day retention training
program in Atlanta.
For more information go to:
Copyright 2007, CYC International
This publication and the Navigator Newsletter
is provided by Chart Your Course International.
Published by Greg Smith
Chart Your Course International Inc.
Phone: 770-860-9464/800-821-2487
Address: 2814 Hwy 212, Conyers, GA. 30094
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We show businesses how to hire, retain and engage the workforce.