Chart Your Course International completed the 2009 Job Satisfaction Survey in July. The survey focused on how people felt about their jobs and their working environment during the economic downturn. Respondents were asked 13 questions relating to job frustration, trust, motivation, employee retention and communication in the workplace. Over 200 people responded to the online survey.
The most notable change from previous surveys was how people felt about their senior executives. Over 20% of the respondents indicated they do not trust their executives. Additionally, over 35% felt their executives did not make sound and informed decisions.
During the past 12 months 39% of the workforce felt their productivity had improved, while 28% felt it had decreased. On a positive note, 68% felt motivated to do a good job. However, the majority of respondents said “poor communication” and a feeling of a “lack of appreciation” plague most workplaces.
Participants were asked if they were going to quit or stay with their employer when the economy improves; 49% of the current workforce plan on staying while 21% said they are definitely planning to leave. However, 29% indicated “they did not know.”
“The percentage of workers who said ‘they did not know’ should concern employers the most,” according to Gregory P. Smith, President of Chart Your Course International and the creator of the survey.
Comments from the survey indicate some businesses have resorted to a caustic “you should be thankful you have a job” mentality. “As a result, this may have unintended consequences and could negatively impact on employers when the economy starts to rebound” says Smith. Employers may face a significant percentage of workers who may abandon ship for a better place to work just when they need to ramp up. The additional recruitment, turnover and training costs could place employers in even greater financial jeopardy. Smith adds, “A good place to work is a good place to work during good times and bad.”
Chart Your Course International helps organizations create good places to work that maximize their effectiveness and profitability by improving the performance of their people. They deliver a portfolio of performance improving strategies that produce measurable results by strengthening the performance and productivity of individual employees and organizations as a whole. Greg Smith is the author of “401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees.”
The survey can be found online at