Boomers had it the best in this country and the fact is they lost touch
with the difficulty of struggle. Most of them inherited land, money and
or businesses from there parents and did not have to struggle the way
their parents did. they have no respect for their children and treat them
as if they don't count. Most baby boomer employers fores workers into
unpaid overtime or expenses and will not compensate. when I started in
the work for back in 1989 I work for the parents of baby boomers and it
was a grate work environment. the boss treated the workers with respect.
Now that the baby boomers have taken over its a mess. Employers are
mistreating, harassing, abusing ,and over working their employees. This
is creating a more then hostel environment in the workforce. Theirs other
issues as well. In all its a mess.
From Greg Smith, President, Chart Your Course International
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We show businesses how to hire, retain and engage the workforce.

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